
One High-Five, A Hug, and A Stunning Bouquet Later . . .

So the MCAT course is finally finished. I packed up my little MCATkateers with sack lunches, shoe laces tied, and a fist-full of number two pencils and sent them on their way. The real deal was this past Saturday so I took the opportunity to flee the state as fast as I could to take a much needed rest. I snatched up a couple of improv-buddies, jumped in a little car and floored it all the way to lovely Northern Ohio for their annual Improv Conference where I sat back and refused to do anything other than eat, drink, laugh, and drink some more. (Sweet Great Lakes Brewery, why must you be so far away?!)

With the MCAT course finished, it's like my whole life just got 10 times calmer - well at least certain parts of my life - like my work life (hence, my opportunity to blog again). But that sweet calm will only last about a week before I have to kick it into high gear to get ready for the next batch of high-strung, panicked, type A Doctor-wannabes knock down the door.

Until then it's nothing but mint juleps, palm fronds, and front porches for me!

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