
Recent Review of Moleskine Weekly Planner - 201

Overall I'm really happy with this product - especially with all the random, and kind of weird, little extras they throw in (tabbed li'l book, other little book with perforated pages in different sizes, and stickers with emoticons faces). However I am always frustrated when planners and day calendars combine Saturday and Sunday into one day-space in the weekly calendar. Sure, if I don't have a lot going on some weekends, the tiny space allowed for my non-existent plans can make me feel better about myself: "See, obviously no one does anything on the weekends. Otherwise planner-manufacturers would give us more space!". However on those weekends when I actually have stuff to do, I just can't write small enough. Maybe I'll just tear out some of the little perforated pages from the one weird li'l book and attach them to my weekend days with the stickers to give me some more space.

1 comment:

sourabh gupta said...
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