
Big City Livin'

Latest awesome things I've seen around the city:

  • Graffited all over my subway train the word "Lazytown." I mean, they couldn't possibly been that lazy with writing it ALL over. Now could they?
  • A tag beneath the name of a Chinese restaurant "Mmmsg.inc" For serious.
  • A Panera (aka St. Louis Bread Co.) that delivers! I realize that I don't really like their sandwiches anymore, but still!
  • Gatherers trying to win my support for Harvey Dent in the coming election. I think that's probably not a great idea - but it does sum up my general feelings or politicians.
  • A place where they give you free pizza for every beer followed by a place with a free shot of whiskey for every beer! Can we say my ideal spring break hangouts?"
  • The "He United the States of America" tagline for the John Adams mini-serious. Just say it in the movie-voice.
  • A man smoking a crayon and apparently offering the other crayons to ladies at the bar. And this man contacted me on Okcupid. Do I win or what?
  • Goats riding miniature ponies. Need I say more? I didn't think so.

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