

That last post made Post #101 for Pinch O' Sass!

It also broke the record for most post done in a single month. Sorry I'm such a jerk, but I am working on it.

I'm such a bad blogger.


Ali said...

Dude, I totally read that first sentence as "This is the last post" and started to freak out a little. Glad I took the time to re-read.

neil said...

Awwwwww, widdle bwogger! You's not bad at it!!!!!!!! ***BLOGHUGGGZZZ*** You just needs to have more jokestuff happen to you in your life, then you needs to gets you some times to writes it all downs!!!!!!!!!! DON'T BE A DEPWESSED WIDDLE BWOGGER! BE A CUTE WIDDLE ONE!!!!!!! OR MAYBE A DEPWESSED WIDDLE ONE WHO MAKES GOOD CYNICAL JOKES ABOUT HER MISFOWTUNES!!!!!!!!