Man - Rita just made my blog way classier!!
Yeah, yeah, yeah - Keep Your Pants on!
Sorry, that I haven't posted lately. I've been housesitting at a place with no internet and have no time at work to waste. Soon, though. Soon. Until then, enjoy this picture of Rita Hayworth. And if you haven't already, see the movie "Gilda".
So What if it is 65 & Beautiful Outside - I am Still Going to Be Grumpy
Sorry that I haven't been posting much lately, but I have been to consumed with grumpy frustration lately. Frustration caused by many a thing:
Work - (a special shot out to the Pre-Med Students of St. Louis)
Panickly planning a show
The messiness of my apartment
The saga of the Danish cartoons (I'll blog more about this later.)
And finally, this stupid day.
Luckily however, Cheney shot a man in the face and made my week. (I never thought these following words would be typed by my fingers) Thank you, Dick Cheney!! For this week, only, I totally heart you.
Oh - and the rest of you - I heart you too. Happy This Stupid Day. humph.
Panickly planning a show
The messiness of my apartment
The saga of the Danish cartoons (I'll blog more about this later.)
And finally, this stupid day.
Luckily however, Cheney shot a man in the face and made my week. (I never thought these following words would be typed by my fingers) Thank you, Dick Cheney!! For this week, only, I totally heart you.
Oh - and the rest of you - I heart you too. Happy This Stupid Day. humph.

List of Words & Phrases I am Either Bringing Back or Just Saying More Often:
- Bitchin'
- Legs
- Dame
- Early Bright
- Blame it on the Bosa Nova
- Cricket (as in a piano player)
- Just sayin'
- Skirts
- Muscles
- Diligent eyes = safety from Black Ice
So my boss has this tendency to send emails every so often entitled "tidbit of the day." These usually consist of goofy pictures of celebrities, weird foreign ads, or sometimes just little quotes. The other day he sent me this link.
At the time, I simply laughed it off as nothing more than a reinforcement of an inside joke. Then came a talk with my mom. I was telling her a story about how I made this joke in an attempt to win over this dude when she puts on the somber voice. "Amanda," she says (and she only ever calls me "Amanda" in solemn times) "I think I should tell you this now before it gets any worse. I heard on NPR yesterday that . . ." (long, pained pause) "men don't find women who are funny, attractive." She goes on to say, in all earnestness, "Maybe you should really think about being serious for awhile."
Wait. What?
"Yeah, maybe you should just try to do some deep thinking or something."
Omigod! Now, I have several passions: the 1950's, art, celeb gossip, my fam, femme fatales, education - but one of the biggest - at least in the past year - has to be comedy. I think funny. I study funny. I practice funny. I write, sleep, and play funny! I even overcome my weird overactive embarrassment problem time and time again just to put myself in awkward situations simply for the sake of comedy.
What a mess.
I guess my love of the funny makes me too masculine and awful for anyone to want to date me.
I suppose I will just find comfort (the comfort that one might get from a supportive partner) in the fact that I have my beagle, my cat, and my sass to keep me warm at night.
Here's hoping that one of them will get me something for Valentine's Day. And all I'm saying is that it better be fucking funny.
At the time, I simply laughed it off as nothing more than a reinforcement of an inside joke. Then came a talk with my mom. I was telling her a story about how I made this joke in an attempt to win over this dude when she puts on the somber voice. "Amanda," she says (and she only ever calls me "Amanda" in solemn times) "I think I should tell you this now before it gets any worse. I heard on NPR yesterday that . . ." (long, pained pause) "men don't find women who are funny, attractive." She goes on to say, in all earnestness, "Maybe you should really think about being serious for awhile."
Wait. What?
"Yeah, maybe you should just try to do some deep thinking or something."
Omigod! Now, I have several passions: the 1950's, art, celeb gossip, my fam, femme fatales, education - but one of the biggest - at least in the past year - has to be comedy. I think funny. I study funny. I practice funny. I write, sleep, and play funny! I even overcome my weird overactive embarrassment problem time and time again just to put myself in awkward situations simply for the sake of comedy.
What a mess.
I guess my love of the funny makes me too masculine and awful for anyone to want to date me.
I suppose I will just find comfort (the comfort that one might get from a supportive partner) in the fact that I have my beagle, my cat, and my sass to keep me warm at night.
Here's hoping that one of them will get me something for Valentine's Day. And all I'm saying is that it better be fucking funny.
You Would Tell Me if I Was a Bad Person, Right?
Is it wrong that I find that clip of that game show with the Asian women and the Gila monster from the Colbert Report hilarious??
If you haven't seen it, well, first of all - you should. Unfortunately until you are able to glimpse this little piece of heaven, your only idea of the magic will be my description - I'm sure a poor substitute. It consists of what appears to be about eight or so Asian women's heads wearing goggles and helmets sticking out of this semi-circular table while someone releases a Gila Monster onto top of the table. The beast then walks around the table (perhaps in search of a victim?), initially, keeping his distance from the pretty heads. The camera focuses in on one woman in particular who is sort of yelping a bit and is a little concerned that this extremely deadly lizard appears to have chosen her and is slowly approaching her frightened little head. Then, it seems the handler also becomes vaguely concerned and grabs the venomous reptile by its tail to pull it away from the woman's distressed cranium. It is at this moment that the tempestuous relative of the dino jolts into action; he breaks free of the grasp of said captor and runs full force towards his pretty Asian-lady-appetizer. All of the women run from the table shrieking fully aware that this brute could kill them.
All the while, I sit, listening to the shrill screams and laughing hysterically.
God, I hope none of those pretty ladies got hurt. That might make it less funny . . . . . . . . perhaps.
If you haven't seen it, well, first of all - you should. Unfortunately until you are able to glimpse this little piece of heaven, your only idea of the magic will be my description - I'm sure a poor substitute. It consists of what appears to be about eight or so Asian women's heads wearing goggles and helmets sticking out of this semi-circular table while someone releases a Gila Monster onto top of the table. The beast then walks around the table (perhaps in search of a victim?), initially, keeping his distance from the pretty heads. The camera focuses in on one woman in particular who is sort of yelping a bit and is a little concerned that this extremely deadly lizard appears to have chosen her and is slowly approaching her frightened little head. Then, it seems the handler also becomes vaguely concerned and grabs the venomous reptile by its tail to pull it away from the woman's distressed cranium. It is at this moment that the tempestuous relative of the dino jolts into action; he breaks free of the grasp of said captor and runs full force towards his pretty Asian-lady-appetizer. All of the women run from the table shrieking fully aware that this brute could kill them.
All the while, I sit, listening to the shrill screams and laughing hysterically.
God, I hope none of those pretty ladies got hurt. That might make it less funny . . . . . . . . perhaps.
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